
Just Stop Some Things

I just love it when I’m on the same wavelength with Dr. Kotter, author of Leading Change and the famous 8 Step Process.  Once again, he and I posted about the same topic only days apart. [See his post and mine from Nov 2010.] Yesterday, I posted about the need to refill the tank, in

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Refresher 2

Can you fail less? Do you fear success? Just picture it! Do what you can to live the emotions that drive change, and though those around you are mired in the emotions that stall change, you will succeed. Something new:  I want to go on the record and say that until today I’d never heard,

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Link Fuel

Regularly I recharge my change driving batteries by sampling the delightful links my friends send me. As I prepared for the long holiday weekend–Happy 4th of July by the way!–I thought, “Why not offer up some link fuel for my Engine for Change friends?”  Enjoy! Charles Green reveals the silly secrets of strategy in You

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Try being indispensable

I’m not trying to make this a Seth Godin tribute blog; really I’m not.  But then Rogue Polymath tweeted about Amber Naslund’s Indispensable vs Irreplaceable post. She mixes two of my favorites–new terms and Godin’s Linchpin–so I can’t resist sharing her post with you. Amber writes: Being indispensable is about delivering massive impact no matter

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