One of our weaknesses, though, is that we are not in the habit of purposeful action. All too often, we don’t consider what we’re trying to accomplish with our actions. We typically don’t put much time into considering why we think a specific action will lead to a specific result. We don’t ask ourselves often enough if we even need to take an action in order to achieve a specific objective. The result is that we spend a lot of our time doing; we get frustrated because we’re working so hard, doing so much, and improvement just isn’t happening commensurate with the rate of our busy-ness.” – Lisa Scheinkopf, Thinking for a Change
People who fill their days with “have to” tasks are often burdened down with busy-ness without purpose.
People who fill their days with “get to” tasks are more often–though not always–taking purposeful action, due to nothing else than they actually willed themselves to act and didn’t wait to be prodded along by others.
What purposeful action will you take this week?