Suspending assumptions…meaning to figuratively imagine your assumption dangling before you like a scarf dancing in a light breeze.
Can you picture it?
Imagine the assumption: Only senior leaders have the organizational knowledge necessary to make real change.
Watch it dancing before you.
Now, can you picture it falling from your grasp?
Why can’t you lead something? Why can’t you do something? Why can’t you? Why can’t you?
Picture that assumption being tested and then falling away.
Then picture the next assumption, and the next, and the next, dangling before you and falling away.
You can conquer your assumptions.
To conquer them you must first suspend them, look at them, notice them, test them, and if they are wrong abandon them.
You can do it. I know you can.
Why not try?
For more on suspending assumptions and the power of dialogue…click here.
I love this topic and would like to see you dive deeper into it (as it relates to driving change). We all have assumptions… The trick is to keep our assumptions from becoming static. Our assumptions need to be tested, questioned, modified, validated, and revisited.