
Help Wanted

woodleywonderworks via Compfight News Flash: You probably aren’t the first person to try to make your change happen. Often, you’ll find multitudes of groups and individuals, current and past, local or national or global who have tried or are currently trying to create the change you’re seeking in the world. Chances are good that you

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Wow! What a busy day…launched GC Drive week training, kept my voice going throughout the day (something that was not a given before the day began) and had great participation from the class all day.  Then I took a quick trip to Seattle to meet up with like thinkers (Michael Cheveldave, Hilbert Robinson, Steve Holt,

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A Platform for Bravery

Over on Seth Godin’s blog I found a great post about organized bravery. He advocates for people to create platforms for bravery where people can try and fail, learn, risk, and escape the narrow confines of a “not my job” world. What does a platform for bravery look like? I’ve seen them come in many

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Talk Yourself Through

No matter how you think best, whether in pictures or in words (in print or spoken), if your change is stuck behind an obstacle, find someone else passionate about your change and talk yourself through the obstacle. Draw them the diagram or write out a few paragraphs and e-mail your writing to them, or have

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Who’s Who (in the Zoo)

When you’re driving change, you’ll need the help of people you’ve never met. How do you find those people and create a connection with them? First, you must know what my long-ago-boss’-boss called “Who’s Who in the Zoo.” In organizations governed by their org. chart, you must know who the head of each section/division/department/whatever-you-call-it is,

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Can you find 1,000 people?

Seth Godin lays down a challenge:  Can you organize 1,000 people committed to your cause, product, or interest? If you could, imagine what you could do. If you couldn’t name 100 let alone 1,000 people, don’t fear.  Start small.  Besides, not all change requires 1,000. If you own a business in a competitive market, 1,000

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