Courage and Convictions

Is standing up for a change a courageous act?  It depends on where you are in the organization.

If you’re an executive, then you’re expected to set a course and encourage others to go with you.  Some changes may be harder for your organization to swallow than others, but it is not courage you require so much as conviction.  If you need courage, the situation assumes a foe outside yourself.  For an executive, the foe is often internal, hence the need for conviction instead, to prevent you from talking yourself out of an urgent change.  When you have conviction, you won’t waiver as you journey forward.

If you’re part of the masses in an organization, I bet conviction is easily found, but courage is in short supply.  You’ll tell your friends what should happen, but never the bosses.  You’ll plan how to make a difference, but never take the risks to make your plan come true.

What could you do if you had courage?

When you have courage, you’ll stand up to the bad behaviors that hold back your organization.

When you have courage, you’ll speak up while everyone else is silent.

When you have courage, you’ll define your character and shapes your–and your organization’s–destiny.

In many organizations you’ll hear stories of too little conviction among the executives and too little courage among the masses.

You can drive your organization to change for the better if you celebrate conviction in your executives and courage in your co-workers.

Through your actions and response to their actions, encourage them be bold, be brave and make a difference.

Tell them you noticed.

Tell them to keep going.

And, if you’ve got a change you’re passionate about, be sure of your convictions then gather up the courage and act.


There’s never been a better time.

3 thoughts on “Courage and Convictions”

  1. All courage and no empathy is just as bad as no courage at all. IMO, you have to balance both. W/O empathy you may be missing key perspectives and insights that a courageous idealist may have overlooked.

  2. April K. Mills

    Good point Mike. In the driving change context I took the empathy for granted, and I shouldn’t have.

  3. Pingback: No one can discuss it « Engine For Change

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