Today I offer you some link fuel that is energizing me. I hope it energizes you too to drive the changes you want.
Liviu’s Global Perspective From the Inner Mind is a great blog with big ideas synthesized neatly. Whenever I can, I love catching up.
I’ve got a huge intellectual crush on Chris Argyris, so I’m always excited to read any article of his or about his work. This article by Rodger Martin quickly describes three of the gifts you would receive if you studied Argyris’ work. I can’t over recommend Argyris to anyone interested in learning how to make an organization work more effectively toward its goals.
If you’ve caught yourself wallowing in a “no” lately, this Seth Godin post is for you. Seth quickly sets us right, something he’s gifted at doing over and over again.
If you’ve wondered where the good in the world has gone, watch this heartwarming video of Aaron Rodgers of my fantastic Green Bay Packers participating in a memory making day for a girl with spina bifida. Try not to cry. I dare you!
Happy Veteran’s Day to all who’ve served. I’m eternally grateful for your service.
Happy three day weekend to all my federal employee readers and friends. Happy Friday to all.
Now that we’re refueled, let’s go drive some change!
Why not try?
Love the Liviu Blog… It really scratches my INTP (thinker) itch. Along with this one of course 😉