Learning by Doing

This week has been a long line of reminders of a lesson you think I would have learned by now: You really only learn something by doing something.

Thinking, “I should do….” is not enough.

You actually have to try to do…experience it…get lost in it…make it through.  Then, you’ve learned something.

I don’t know if it is for everyone, but switching to a new company, especially a large company, after 15 years is a great shock of relearning, unlearning, and learning-a-new.

I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had in my last ten months with Intel and the next two (and well beyond) are already scheduled to push my learning all the more.

So, if you’re ready to starting learning again because you feel like you’re in a rut, I say you start doing again.  Make a list of three things you’ve thought about doing but haven’t done yet, maybe just small things but three things.  Next, do one of them.  That’s it. That’s all.  One is enough to get you started.  One is doing something. One is worth it.  One is fun.

Or, if you’re still coasting and want to live vicariously through me, watch for postings either here, or on Facebook, or both as I soon start my trip round the world.

I’m no Nellie Bly, but I intend to have a joyous time circumnavigating the globe.  After all, I do have to take my advice every now and then…what’s that I always say?  Oh, yes.

Why not try?

1 thought on “Learning by Doing”

  1. Like they say… There’s no greater teacher than experience.

    Best of luck on your world tour! I’ll keep my eye on the blog. Feel free to share your discoveries with your friends. 🙂

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