That sums up an exciting week with the great organizers, attendees, and fellow presenters at AgileIntel2014.
From Tuesday through Friday, I was lucky enough to teach, keynote, facilitate, and participate in a few panels and change agent conversations.
I debuted a new class, Change Agent Essentials, a four-hour course summarizing the key lessons I’ve learned over my 10+ years of driving change. I’m happy to say the two class sessions were full (with a wait list) and the students all seemed to want to be there. I’ve been busy digging through the comments, but I thought I’d share one.
Comments: April is inspiring and has relevant material, curriculum and content. I wish I would have had this course years ago.
What did you like best about the course? Examples, case studies, and the applicability immediately of the material.
What did you like least about the course? I can’t think of anything, other than it ending.
That’s a great way to end my week, knowing that what I’m doing is helping people make a difference immediately in their organizations.
The keynote, my first, was an exciting experience. I look forward to receiving a video copy of it. If I can get it uploaded, I’ll try to share it with all of you.
The panel sessions were fun. I always enjoy answering people’s questions.
The facilitation session was exciting, because not only did I get to be part of a great team of facilitators, but I also didn’t have to run the whole session (a rare thing for me). I enjoyed just playing a role.
The big win of the week could be that I didn’t go into labor during the conference.
Thanks to everyone who was with me this week at #AgileIntel2014. You made it wonderfully memorable.
Thank you to my friends who helped me dry run the class and the keynote several weeks ago. Your comments helped me improve both and led to great results.
Thanks to my hubby and my mom’s husband Terry for caring for the kids all week while I ran away to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk.
Now, it’s time to rest.
If you want to catch more of the highlights of this week, check out Twitter for the #agileintel2014 feed. It’s filled with lots of tweets and pictures, including this fantastic one of the keynotes presented visually. You can find my portion by looking for the glowing pregnant lady. (One of these days I think I’ll turn that drawing into my profile picture.)