My mother always reminds me,
You can’t do it all.”
So, bouncing off of that thought, I’m officially seeking some help to get me through my busy fall months.
Would you like to be a guest blogger at Engine for Change?
During the months of September, October, November, and maybe even December, I’m in need of many guest bloggers to keep this blog up and running, full of new content while I am off line having a baby (my third) and caring for my newborn plus my 4-year-old son after he has surgery in late September.
I bet you’ve got some posts you’ve been dying to share, but the thought of creating your own blog is too much. Then, guest blogging is for you.
Maybe you have a few favorite quotes that you’ve been hoping I would pick for the quote of the week. Just send those in to me too.
The sooner you send your posts or quotes to me, the sooner I can get them ready and scheduled for later posting.
I can’t guarantee I’ll post every submission I receive, but you never know if I’ll post your stuff until you send it to me.
Submit all guest posts to
Thanks in advance for helping me through a few busy months. I couldn’t and wouldn’t be writing this blog without you.
Now, let’s go out there and have a great week driving change.