So All May Play!


What a celebration! What support! What a playground we are going to build together! Over $4,200 was given today towards Bremerton’s first playground for ALL abilities!” – Rebekah Uhtoff, Vice President of Bremerton Beyond Accessible Play, 23 Feb 2013

This weekend I got to see driving change at its peak.  Bremerton Beyond Accessible Play celebrated two years of driving change in our community to benefit people of all abilities.  We witnessed an outpouring of community support and love.

So many people participated in big and small ways.  From bringing balloons, to volunteering with the kids crafts, from cutting cake to managing a menagerie of tie-dying maniacs, everyone was giving their all so that all may play.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this Saturday a memorable celebration.

Rebekah gets the party started while I roll up my sleeves for the hard work as event MC. My mom and my little Alice lovingly look on.
Just a few of our fantastic supporters out to celebrate two years of Bremerton Beyond Accessible Play. So that all may play!  Bonus points if you can find my little Theodore in the front row.

Tip: Click on the group photo then click on the photo again in the link to see the full size image.

So all may play, why not try to drive change?  It’s worth it!


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