The Authors You Need to Know

If you hope to understand what makes driving change work so well, there are some authors that you should know.

You could start with John Kotter.  His Leading Change gives us the 8-step process, the antidote to the failed change behaviors too many companies continue to employ.  My favorite Kotter books are  Sense of Urgency and Buy-In.

You should know who Seth Godin is and you should start to meet him via his book Linchpin.

You’ll want to pay attention to Daniel Pink and the Heath Brothers, Dan and Chip.  Pink’s Drive is fun and this video sums it up nicely.  Dan and Chip’s Made to Stick and Switch are worth devouring and the two books could almost be categorized as beach reading by the business book nerds among us.

There are many more authors I could point you to, but I don’t want to bog you down all at once.

If you set a goal for yourself that by the end of the year you would read all the books mentioned above, I can almost guarantee that you would be even more effective at driving change.

You want to be even better, don’t you?

So what are you waiting for?

Get reading!

Bonus question: What author(s) do you think deserve to be on a short list of must reads for anyone driving change?

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