Because They Said It Better

I don’t have to create new content all the time.  Sometimes, it’s best if I point you toward a few places I’ve been looking.  I can admit that they’ve said it better than I could.

If you wonder why we keep doing stuff in organizations that long ago ceased to have a functioning purpose, read Seth Godin on Understanding Stuck in an organization and starting over.

If you know in your heart (and in your head) that efficiency is not the goal of organizations, read Mark Addleson on how efficiency sucks and what we need is good work.

If you are sick of people trying to…(choose your frustration), Maria Popova at Brain Pickings posted two gems on creativity as told by W. I. B. Beveridge: The Art of Chance and How Intuition and Imagination Fuel Scientific Discovery.  I especially enjoyed the quote from Beveridge on the trap of conditioned thinking:

Psychologists have observed that once we have made an error, as for example in adding up a column of figures, we have a tendency to repeat it again and again. This phenomenon is known as the persistent error. The same thing happens when we ponder over a problem; each time our thoughts take a certain course, the more likely is that course to be followed the next time. Associations form between the ideas in the chain of thoughts and become firmer each time they are used, until finally the connections are so well established that the chain is very difficult to break. Thinking becomes conditioned just as conditioned reflexes are formed. We may have enough data to arrive at a solution to the problem, but, once we have adopted an unprofitable line of thought, the oftener we pursue it, the harder it is for us to adopt the profitable line.

If you’re still following the goings on at the Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO) Conference, Jack Vinson gives us Day 3.




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