TOCICO – Day 3 start

Day 3 has been action packed.  Rushing between breakout sessions always seems to drain more of an attendees energy than sitting in coordinated sessions in one location.

Today I’ve had the great opportunity to watch four presentations, with another soon to start:

  • USing TOC and Critical Chain to Pull People Out of the Favelas in Brazil by Bill Taylor where he shared his first attempt at a Unified Field Theory of Management model.
  • SDAIS – A Road Map for Continuous Success by Dee Jacob of AGI Goldratt.  AGI works with the U.S. Navy’s aviation logistics organizations.  I’m excited to read Ms. Jacob’s book, Velocity.
  • Personal Challenges in Implementing TOC by Oded Cohen of Goldratt Schools where he described the challenges a TOC manager has in gaining the support of superiors, subordinates and peers.
  • Implementing a Process of On-going Improvement (POOGI) at Great Lakes Copper Inc. to Drastically Increase Capacity by Chris Mitchell and Jack Warchalowski about a copper mill in Ontario that used DBR and total TOC solutions to revive their business.

I’m waiting now to listen to Structured Practical Techniques for Implementing TOC by Andrew Kay of TOC3 of Australia.

If any of the titles sound interesting to you, just post a comment with your questions and I’ll see if I can answer them.  We’re all learning here together.

Perhaps my friends at the conference who attended other sessions will post what presentations they attended and offer the same service (Hint to Steve Holt and Hilbert Robinson especially).

Back to the conference I go.

3 thoughts on “TOCICO – Day 3 start”

  1. April – Steve has said “ok, ok” to me before and still forgot. 🙂

    I’d like to hear about Oded’s presentation regarding his “personal challenges” and perhaps how he addressed them, successfully or otherwise.

    Nancy is buying the DVD set so I do anticipate seeing it but as you said on your post – “we’re all learning here” even if I am on the other side of the US.

  2. April K. Mills

    Mike – I think you’ll get a lot out of just looking at the slides from Oded’s presentation. He didn’t cover much that wasn’t listed on the slide too. Nancy can probably get you the files to your work e-mail quickly tomorrow so you don’t have to wait the weeks for the e-mail. I enjoyed the information and I could use it to clean up some muddy behaviors I’ve used in the past, but I’ll admit I didn’t get any “Ah ha” moments from it.

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