
Learning by Doing

This week has been a long line of reminders of a lesson you think I would have learned by now: You really only learn something by doing something. Thinking, “I should do….” is not enough. You actually have to try to do…experience it…get lost in it…make it through.  Then, you’ve learned something. I don’t know […]

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Two Minds of High Order

For those of you who love a great conversation with a good friend with a keen mind, here’s an excerpt from William James’ The Principles of Psychology (1904): When two minds of a high order, interested in kindred subjects, come together, their conversation is chiefly remarkable for the summariness of its allusions and the rapidity

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RIP Theodore Rockwell

In 2001 I joined Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and became a nuclear engineer in the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP).  I specialized in working with reactor shielding. In 2004 I found and devoured Theodore Rockwell’s book, The Rickover Effect.  Published in the early 90s, the book tells stories from the launch of the NNPP and

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Hear ye. Hear ye. I’m ordering myself to take a few week long blogging vacation. While I’m gone, you can dig through the archives, dive into the categories (may I recommend A Rant!), read other blogs, or go on vacation too. Choose your own adventure. It’s entirely up to you. I’ll see ya when I

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Conditioned to change

When I was growing up we often hosted my mom’s extended family at our house for holidays.  It was a running joke in our family to guess how my mom would have rearranged her living room furniture.  We didn’t have much money, so my mom would redecorate by moving around the things we already owned.

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Your time has come

Ahead of one’s time: Fig. having ideas or attitudes that are too advanced to be acceptable in the present.: – so says the idioms portion of thefreedictionary.com I’ve blogged about time a lot here at Engine For Change. In fact, of the 418 posts, 181 contain some reference to time.  That’s 43%. Yet, I don’t

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The words are spreading

This week I got an e-mail survey at work.  The body of the e-mail read, in part: Consistent findings from the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) show that Federal employees are dedicated and committed to their work. As a dedicated Federal employee, your feedback about the workplace is essential in addressing

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