When are you going to write your book?” – Bob Steinmetz
Every time I talk to him, my friend Bob asks me the same question. Over the years my answer has evolved from, “Someday,” to “Soon,” to “Maybe next month.” I’m happy to announce today that my answer is, “Now.” I started writing my book today.
A few months ago I practiced what it might be like to write a book by writing a book proposal. The proposal wasn’t accepted, but it prompted me to start learning about how I might publish a book on my own. With the help of two awesome new authors, Dr. Dan Diamond and Michael Hannan, and the encouragement of two established authors, Rich Sheridan and Dr. Bob Sutton, I finally felt ready to write.
Looking ahead, I know I’m only going to have my limited moments between the time the kids finally, FINALLY, go to bed each night and when my eyelids refuse to remain aloft to write. Yet, this lack of minutes will not slow my progress. I’m committed (well, I will be once I hit publish on this post) to getting the book published as an ebook and paperback by April 1, 2016. Everyone’s always called April “my month,” and this year that’ll be true.
Watch for “Engineering Accelerated Results: How to Rapidly Drive Results Without Driving People” coming soon.
I always ask you, “Why not try?” Writing this book and committing to publish it by a specific date is me living my values. I asked myself “Why not try?” and I no longer had a reason to stay stopped, so off I go. <Zoom!>
When’s the book tour? 😉
Best news I’ve heard all week!
Woohoo! Ready to read, proofread, or just settle in with a signed first edition and absorb. Whichever comes first 😉